
Stress for most individuals is a feeling of being overwhelmed, combined with elements of low mood and anxiety. Although stress is not an official mental health diagnosis, many people describe feeling overburden or burned-out by the demands of daily life. It is important in the treatment of stress that a therapist accurately categorises the problem to ensure that the symptoms of stress are not better explained through other psychological disorders, such as anxiety or depression. Working with a therapist who has an understanding of different diagnosis is essential when assessing the underlying causes of stress.

During your treatment your therapist will assess the components of your stress and they will work with you to set goals and develop a formulation of the problem. Your therapist will explore the reasons why you are feeling overwhelmed and they will help you to monitor your reaction to stressful situations and how you cope during situations. In particular, your therapist will help you to understand the link between your reactions and the ongoing maintenance of your stress. They will collaborate with you to develop a bespoke treatment plan, involving belief modification, behavioural experimentation and soothing techniques to help you manage your symptoms more effectively. Relapse maintenance will form an important aspect of your treatment, to help maintain the gains you have achieved during therapy.


What to look out for:

  • Energy depletion or exhaustion, or the opposite, feeling on edge and unable to relax.

  • Felling overwhelmed or thoughts if being unable to cope.

  • Increased mental distance from one’s occupation or feelings of negativism or cynicism related to one's occupation.

  • Reduced efficacy in daily tasks.

  • Poor concentration and memory.

  • Disturbed sleep due to preoccupation with tasks and/or obligations.

  • Preoccupation with tasks, even during down time.

  • Sending more time doing a task than necessary (.i.e repeatedly staying late at work).

  • Physical symptoms, such as, headaches, nausea, indigestion, upset stomach.

Treatment FOCUS

Type: CBT

Sessions: 8+

Length: 50 mins

Treatment Focus:

  • Assessment

  • Goal Setting

  • Formulation

  • Stress monitoring

  • Lifestyle changes

  • Assertiveness

  • Soothing techniques

  • Belief modification

  • Behavioural Experiments

  • Imagery modification

  • Relapse Prevention
